
ginger plague Learn more about ginger plague

  • What are the new methods to prevent and cure ginger plague?

    What are the new methods to prevent and cure ginger plague?

    Ginger blast is easy to occur in a large area in high temperature and rainy season, which is the most feared disease in ginger planting. Once ginger plague occurs, if it is not treated in time, it will cause serious economic losses, so what are the new methods to control ginger plague at present? 1. Ginger plague

    2020-11-09 Control ginger plague new methods which ginger blast
  • Identification and control of ginger plague

    Identification and control of ginger plague

    Ginger plague, also known as ginger rot or ginger bacterial wilt, is the most serious disease in ginger production, with a wide range of hosts from ginger seedlings to ginger cubes during harvest and storage. Ginger blast was originally caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum. The first infection comes from ginger seed disease or soil bacteria, and the pathogens of other host diseases such as peanut bacterial wilt and tomato bacterial wilt can also be transmitted to ginger. The pathogen of ginger blast invaded from the wound of ginger root and tuber (mainly worm-eaten wound). The injured root was water-immersed light brown at first, and the pathogen entered ginger tuber along the vascular bundle.

  • Identification and control of ginger plague

    Identification and control of ginger plague

    Ginger plague, also known as ginger rot or bacterial wilt, is the most harmful disease in ginger production, which can generally cause 20-30% loss, serious seed destruction, and continue to cause rot during storage. The disease can harm the stems and leaves, but mainly the underground roots and stems. Mostly in the base of the stem near the ground and the upper part of the underground stem, the disease occurs first, the disease spot is moist, dirty brown and dull, the internal tissue gradually becomes soft and rotten, leaving only the outer skin, and the dirty white and smelly juice can be extruded from the diseased part by hand; the root is also caused by yellowish brown rot. After the rhizome is damaged

  • Occurrence and control of ginger plague

    Occurrence and control of ginger plague

    1. Symptomatic bacteria invade the root, underground and aboveground stems. The underground succulent stem was waterlogged and yellowish brown at the beginning. After losing its luster, the internal tissue gradually softened and rotted, leaving only the outer skin. Squeeze the part of the disease can flow out dirty white turbid juice, give off a bad smell; the injured root is also yellowish brown, and eventually all rot. The aboveground stem was dark purple, the internal tissue turned brown and rotted, and the residual fiber. The leaves were withered, the leaves were yellowish, the edges were curled, and finally the whole plant withered. 2. The pathogen is Pseudomonas solanacearum (Pseudomonas solanacearum).

  • Integrated Control Techniques of Ginger Blast

    Integrated Control Techniques of Ginger Blast

    In recent years, ginger plague has occurred widely in ginger producing areas. The disease usually occurs in the middle and late June (after digging seed ginger), and the disease mainly occurs in the early stage of dead seedlings until the harvest season. The death rate of light disease reached 30-40%, and the death rate of heavy disease reached 80%, causing serious yield reduction or even no harvest. Ginger blast fungus can overwinter in planting ginger and soil, and spread through running water and underground pests at suitable temperature. Pathogens invade ginger from natural orifices or wounds, causing the ginger tissue to collapse and rot, eventually leading to the death of the whole plant. Therefore, in the same plot of ginger planted year after year, disease

  • Six measures for high yield cultivation of ginger

    Six measures for high yield cultivation of ginger

    First, strictly select the site and avoid continuous cropping. Ginger is prone to rot in an environment of high temperature and humidity, commonly known as ginger plague. Ginger blast is a bacterial soil-borne disease, which is seriously affected by continuous cropping, resulting in a large amount of yield reduction. Because ginger has this kind of destructive disease, so ginger should not continuous cropping, should be cropped with rice, cruciferous family.

  • Banana blast caused by common diseases of canna

    Banana blast caused by common diseases of canna

    Canna, the new favorite of green belt, is easy to catch banana blast in the case of improper conservation and management. it is not a big problem to find early treatment. If you delay the disease and give up treatment, it will not only affect the landscape value, but also consume a sum of money. So what should the canna do when it is infected with banana blast?

  • Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    Cultivation techniques of Ginger softening

    The softening cultivation of ginger is on the basis of normal cultivation, one is to increase the cultivation density and strengthen the measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. In this way, tender ginger not only has a long harvest time, high yield, but also fresh and crisp, thin skin and sparse skin, and has a delicate ginger flavor when eating. 1. Choose: choose those who have not planted ginger for 3 years in a row.

  • How to treat the disease of alpinia officinalis

    How to treat the disease of alpinia officinalis

    Sand ginger is an annual herb. It has a peculiar fragrance and is mainly used to treat temperature, digestion and pain relief. It is used for fullness of chest and diaphragm, cold pain in epigastric abdomen and diet. When planting sand ginger, there are often diseases such as ginger plague, leaf blight and so on. So how to treat the disease of sand ginger? Ginger

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  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of tender ginger

    The soft cultivation of ginger is based on normal cultivation, increasing cultivation density and strengthening measures of shading and cooling, so as to achieve the purpose of harvesting tender ginger. Such tender ginger not only harvest a long period, high yield, and fresh crisp, thin skin section thin, when eating fresh ginger flavor. 1. Land selection: select fertile soil that has not been planted with ginger for 3 consecutive years. 2. Seed selection: Choose fresh ginger blocks with large blocks, many buds and no diseases and insect pests. 300 kg ginger seeds are needed for every 667 square meters. 3. Ginger seed treatment: first soak ginger in 40% formalin 100 times solution

  • How to prevent chicken plague from raising chickens

    How to prevent chicken plague from raising chickens

    Vaccination: vaccination at the initial stage of chicken breeding can effectively prevent chicken plague. Keep the chicken house hygienic: keep the chicken house hygienic at all times and put the chicken droppings cleaned up every day away from the chicken house to prevent the occurrence of chicken plague. Improve immunity: can chop ginger, garlic, etc.

    2020-11-08 Chicken raising how prevention chicken plague summary injection vaccine in chicken raising
  • Secret of high yield of ginger

    Secret of high yield of ginger

    The high yield of ginger should be paid attention to from many aspects, such as selecting loam or sandy loam with deep and fertile soil, convenient drainage and irrigation and high organic matter, and can not be continuous cropping, during which it can be rotated with rice and legume crops for 3-4 years. The seeds are usually sown from February to March and are available before sowing.

    2020-11-08 Ginger high yield secret summary ginger from many aspects
  • Simple prevention method of chicken plague

    Simple prevention method of chicken plague

    Take one end of garlic, mash it, put it into 0.5 kg feed and mix evenly. Each chicken is fed 50 grams a day, 10 days as a course of treatment, and then fed after 3 days. Soak the garlic in wine for 24 hours. Each chicken was fed 1-2 cloves a day for 8-10 days. Soak the rice in 2%-3% brine for 3 days, then fish it out and feed the chickens for more than 7 days. Add a small amount of alum and ginger to the feed and feed once every 10 days; if sick chickens are fed every 7 to 8 days. Soak in pig gall

  • Prevention measures of chicken plague

    Prevention measures of chicken plague

    1. Take one end of garlic, mash it, put it into 0.5 kg feed and mix evenly. A chicken is fed 50 grams a day, 10 days as a course of treatment, and then fed after 3 days. two。 The garlic was soaked in wine for 24 hours, and a chicken was fed 1 / 2 cloves a day for 8 / 10 days. 3. Soak the rice in 2% salt water for 3 days, then fish it out and feed the chickens for more than 7 days. 4. Add a small amount of alum and ginger to the feed and feed it every 10 days; if you get sick, feed the chickens every 7-8 days.

  • Effect of high temperature on ginger over summer how to plant and manage over summer ginger

    Effect of high temperature on ginger over summer how to plant and manage over summer ginger

    Effect of high temperature on ginger over summer how to plant and manage over summer ginger

  • Key points of management in ginger expansion period

    Key points of management in ginger expansion period

    Key points of management in ginger expansion period

  • The management points of the latest ginger expansion period

    The management points of the latest ginger expansion period

    Ginger is one of the most commonly used ingredients in stir-fried vegetables. Ginger is very common, but its nutritional value is very high. It is beneficial to promote digestion and enhance the respiratory and circulatory system capabilities of the human body. There is also a very high medicinal value, for cholelithiasis, rheumatism and

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  • Ginger Planting Technology: What is Ginger Blast?

    Ginger Planting Technology: What is Ginger Blast?

    What is ginger plague? Please give details of ginger blast is caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum bacterial disease. Once the disease occurs in ginger field, it will reduce yield in light and no yield in serious. In recent years, the disease has become more serious year by year, and has become an important factor restricting the production of ginger. After years of research and field...

  • Ginger common 7 major diseases 2 major pest control methods summary!

    Ginger common 7 major diseases 2 major pest control methods summary!

    As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, ginger is one of the indispensable condiments for people at present. If ginger wants to have a good harvest, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests can not be ignored. Let's take a look at the seven common diseases and two pest control methods of ginger. Ginger

    2020-11-09 Ginger common large disease pest control method summary
  • Six measures for high yield cultivation of ginger. Welcome to share more effective planting techniques.

    Six measures for high yield cultivation of ginger. Welcome to share more effective planting techniques.

    Welcome to subscribe to this headline, we share the latest agricultural planting techniques and agriculture-related information every day, if you have good suggestions or want to know about planting techniques.
